Friday, February 19, 2010

Dumb & Dumber - Greece Strikes 2010

Well, just when you think that they all should be jolly well embarrassed about the complete and utter financial mess the successive governments have made over the last 10 years in Greece, the Greeks decide to increase their protests against measures to rectify the situation.

The country is on the brink of a complete fuel drought after customs workers who have been striking since Tuesday fancy making a long weekend of it by extending the strike until Tuesday. But Wednesday next week is a genral strike so they will not get their fat, lazy asses back in their comfy office chairs until Thursday.

There will be no petrol in Paleochora from tomorrow.

Shame for all those who need to get to a hospital. Or need to work.

Oh if only they knew how stupid this makes them look in the eyes of the world.


Havercake said...

Some of the words and attitudes used in this piece display a colonial attitude which fails to acknowledge that ordinary workers have a right to withdraw their labour. I would expect this tone from the bling-wearing, Essex ex-pats in Marbella, not from what I thought might be the more sensitive residents of Paleochora.

John Dunne

Barry & Jenny said...

I neither wear bling (whatever that may be), have nevr been to Spain or hail from Essex. I do, however, recognise gross stupidity when I see it.

Whether or not these folks have a right to withdraw their labour is not an issue. It is whether they are best serving the country and, ultimately, themselves by choosing to do it at this time.

Havercake said...

Never said you did hail from Essex, merely that the pejorative words used about the strikers displayed such an attitude of contempt. You are privileged to have such economic understanding denied to the Greeks,

John Dunne

Barry & Jenny said...

Ah but I am not so privileged. I am gratified to report that an overwhelming majority of ordinary working Greeks agree with me and welcome the new socialist government's austerity measures.

Even the political opposition has supported the government.

Greeks I live around are embarrassed about the way their nation is being viewed on the world stage and recognise that the mismanagement of the past needs to be corrected.

Most agree that it is reasonable to contain the perks of the civil service (it has the largest amount of civil servants per capita in Europe as most only work a 30 hour week) where they are paid 14 months salary each year and all retire on 98% of final salary.

Most also are angered and further embarrassed by the naked displays of self interest by a small amount of political extremists on both sides of the spectrum at a time of national economic crisis.

Havercake said...

Welcomed your last comment as it moves away from 'their fat, lazy asses' stereotyping.
Far more damaging to the economy that any strike is the role of Goldman Sachs et al in signing off the Greek economy as fit to join the Euro and the pressure placed by the hedge funds whose wealth is created at the expense of ordinary Greeks.