Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I have Started the Dukan Diet!

Enough, enough, enough of being a fat bastard! I have decided to draw a line in the sand and get myself back in shape at last.

Going through my wardrobe, I was highly concerned to see my 'Hopeful Section' growing ever fuller. This comprises of the trousers, shirts, Tshirts and jackets that I am 'hopeful of fitting into again'. So I figured something must be done!

John & Cricket were out in the summer and cricket looked fabulous. She had lost loads of excess weight but more than that, she looked really healthy. She told me about The Dukan Diet, where she never has to count calories, never goes hungry and will keep the weight of forever. Hmmm. Sounded good to me!

To cut a long story short, I bought the book and read it through to see if it was do-able for me. I started the diet yesterday and, the reason why I am writing here about it is to let you all know that you can follow along with my progress.

I set up a site with a personal blog detailing my experiences on this diet plan which is sweeping Europe. Check out the site and the blog here:

Dukan Diet

Read my experiences, comment there, encourage me if you want, you can even buy the book there too if you want to give it a whirl yourself too.

Monday, September 13, 2010