Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Monday Night

From the top - The Over The Hill Club were in. So called because the walk over hills and .well, the are all over the hill! They are on their 'Priceless Tour of Crete' named after a member called Price who was to come on the tour but died earlier this year!
Bob Tait was out on the town (Lynne was in Loutro) with friend Peter (see previous post). He behaved himself while he was here, Lynne!
A sad farewell (until September) to Mark & Viv. Last year they stepped in when we had a staff crisis and became waiter & waitress fro the night. This year the took it easy as customers. They look especially relaxed here as they had spent the afternoon helping the new waitress at the beach bar perfect her cocktails. 1st rule of cocktail making - you have to drink your mistakes! Posted by Picasa

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