Tonight is the last night for the 2007 season! Photos to follow.......
We had fascinating conversations with German/Japanese couple Klaus and Eri encompassing publishing, languages and lifestyles. Hope to resume this next year!
This extended family have been coming to Paleochora since Minoan times! Always a joy to see them back. We have (clockwise) Dani & Dave, Barrie & Marjorie and Jenny & Robert.
Nick and Kate, together with sons Tom (left) and Jack were frequent visitors to Calypso over the last couple of weeks. They have returned now to Prague in The Czech Republic where they live and work.
Pork chop lovers Terry & Lucy toured round Western Crete, basing themselves in Paleochora.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Here are the impossibly good-looking Kolstad Family from Norway. (l-r Matias, Lars, Beda and Mikkel.) Below is the 5th. member of the family, Simon, who was somewhere else when I took the family portrait!